UPDATE: Script Debugger 4.5.5b6 has been released.
I am preparing another Script Debugger 4.5 maintenance release.
I have been struggling to resolve some stability problems ever since the release of Script Debugger 4.5. Resolving these issues has been very difficult as I’ve not been able to reproduce several of the crashes on my own systems so I’m debugging in the blind. The Script Debugger 4.5.5b3 and b4 releases have resolved several crashes, but some problems remain. The Script Debugger 4.5.5b5 build addresses two additional crashes.
To help me determine if I’ve resolved the stability issues (or at least improved things), please allow Script Debugger to submit ALL crash reports. I know that this may slow you down a little, but it will help me as I work to finally resolve the stability problems.
- A Script Debugger 4.5 registration number
- Intel or PowerPC Macintosh
- Mac OS X 10.6, 10.5, 10.4
Script Debugger 4.5.5b5 (11.4MB)
- Quit Script Debugger if it is running
- IMPORTANT Delete all copies of Script Debugger.component and Script Debugger 4.5.component from your ~/Library/Components folder
- Mount the SD4.5.5 disk image
- Copy the Script Debugger 4.5 application from the disk image to your Applications folder (or any other place on your disk)
- Restart your Macintosh to ensure all caches are flushed
I recommend keeping your copy of Script Debugger 4.5.4 around in case you need to revert to that build. Note also that this BETA build expires on September 1, 2010.
Script Debugger 4.5.5b5 Changes
- 14907 [Crash] Improved the Explorer to protect against some more instances where the UI thread may be accessing data while background threads are altering the data.
- 14899 [Crash] Resolved a bug that caused Script Debugger to crash when AppleScript reports error text ranges that lie beyond the end of the script. This happens most commonly when you have an unclosed quoted string within a block comment.